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  • (+34) 958 290 316

GRANADA GEOPARK/ Guadix – Hot Air Balloon Ride

The Granada Geopark, declared a World Geopark by UNESCO in 2020, has 4,722 km2 of 47 municipalities belonging to the regions of Guadix, Baza, Huéscar and Montes, it extends over an exceptional territory in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the Iberian Peninsula, such as the Sierra de la Sagra or Sierra Nevada. The geology of the region has conditioned the life and culture of its inhabitants from prehistory to the present day.

They are inhospitable lands of singular beauty, which safeguard a significant and unique part of our geological heritage on the European continent, which with the universal language of rocks, leaves no one indifferent who comes to learn about its exciting history. Here you will find more information, maps and guides of the territory.

If you are already convinced of coming to know this unique place, we recommend this manual of good practices for visitors.

Hot Air Balloon Flights Andalusia

Hot air Balloon flights
Hot air Balloon flights
Hot air Balloon flights
European Union

GLOVENTO SUR SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has developed a Corporate Website, Online Promotion through payment system (SEM), Audiovisual Material for use on the Internet and Advanced Electronic Commerce Solutions, to improve the company's competitiveness and productivity. [03/14/2022]. For this, it has had the support of the TicCámaras 2021 Program of the Granada Chamber of Commerce.


European Regional Development Fund

A Way to Make Europe

European Aviation Safety Agency

 Glovento Sur S.L, received aid from the European Union with a charge to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for the acquisition of an aerostatic sail, which aims to create new offers of complementary leisure and nature tourism services in the Guadix region


  • (+34) 958 290 316
  • (+34) 695 938 123

GLOVENTO SUR SL, Cuesta San Gregorio 25